Systemic Counselling

In Person & Online Services
Online support for couples, families and individuals living with and/ or supporting young people who may present in violent, aggressive & controlling ways.

Parental Assertiveness Support
A ‘swat-team’ service package for situations of child/adolescent-to-parent violence and destructiveness, organised around the particular needs of individual cases. This might involve a combination of individual, couple and family counselling sessions, telephone support, presence services and advocacy work.

Workshops, Taster Sessions & Talks
As part of our mission to introduce Nonviolent Resistance thinking to parents and professionals in Northamptonshire, NVRnorthampton offers introductory workshops, taster sessions and talks to groups and organisations across the county.

Consultation & Support
For those who are using NVR methods and techniques with children and young people in their work or home environments, NVRnorthampton offers a consultation and support service.
Initial 60 minute consultation to discuss the application of the principles of NVR to the specifics of your particular situation - £120
Thereafter, PAS and consultancy fees will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.

NVR Supervision for Professionals
We offer NVR Supervision.

Bi-weekly, 150 minute online meetings for collaborative information-sharing and discussion about the fundamentals of NVR. Groups consist of a mix of both professionals and parents/ carers.

We offer both Online and In-Person NVR Foundation Level Training - Level 1: NVR Informed Practice courses.
To register your interest in any of the NVR Training courses we have coming up, please visit our Training & Events page
For availability, pricing and more detail on our Consultancy & Training please contact us