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Jun 27, 20181 min read
A vulnerable choice
“Empathy is a choice and it’s a vulnerable choice because in order to connect with you, I have to connect with something within myself...

Jun 25, 20181 min read
We don't have to do it alone
“A person can grow to his or her fullest capacity only in mutually caring relationships with others." - Fred Rogers #Development...

Jun 19, 20181 min read
You're not alone
“Take your time to understand. Don’t just do something, be there.” - Marshall B Rosenberg #BreneBrown #Empathy #Development #Connection...

Apr 24, 20181 min read
Rarely can a response make something better. What makes something better is connection.” - Brené Brown #RalphGNichols #Connectedness...

Apr 8, 20181 min read
Self Regulation Support for Violent Children
We must come up with community responses that support violent children in developing their self regulation - even if one-to-one were...

Mar 19, 20181 min read
The importance of connection- feeling seen, heard and valued... able to give and receive without judgement... deriving sustenance and...

Jan 29, 20181 min read
"Inspirational thinker Brené Brown considers why we blame others, how it sabotages our relationships, and why we desperately need to move...

Jan 24, 20181 min read
Empathy vs Sympathy
“Rarely can a response make something better. What makes something better is connection.” - Brene Brown "What is the best way to ease...
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