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Jun 8, 20181 min read
“Every kid is one caring adult away from being a success story.” - Josh Shipp #ChallengingBehaviour #DevelopmentalTrauma #ACEs...

Jun 8, 20181 min read
Discipline is helping
“Punishment & reward proceed from basically the same psychological model, one that conceives of motivation as nothing more than the...

Jun 7, 20181 min read
You don't fix your child
“...NVR begins with the acknowledgement that the child is not the problem - the problem is the problem.” #ChallengingBehaviour #CPV #CPVA...

Jun 6, 20181 min read
Give and take
Your child isn’t giving you a hard time, your child is having a hard time. NVR can help... #ChallengingBehaviour #CPV #CPVA...

Jun 4, 20181 min read
“Kids with a trauma history do not need more punishment, and quite frankly they don’t need more stickers.” - Dr Ross Greene...

Jun 3, 20181 min read
Human relationships
“Relationships are the agents of change and the most powerful therapy is human love.” - Bruce D Perry #Development #DevelopmentalTrauma...

Jun 2, 20181 min read
Fear of punishment
Traumatised & attachment-injured children are prone to respond to authority with anger & defiance. Reward & punishment will not work with...

May 31, 20181 min read
Kids everywhere
“Relationships matter... people, not programs, change people.” - Bruce D Perry #DevelopmentalTrauma #ChallengingBehaviour #CPV #CPVA...

May 30, 20181 min read
Finding calmness
...the better we can soothe them when they are agitated, or support them when they are low, the better they will be able to “absorb” how...

May 29, 20181 min read
Punishment and Reward
“...rewards and punishments are worthless at best, at destructive at worst, for helping children to develop such values and skills. What...

May 27, 20181 min read
Exactly as we are
Love grows brains... #FredRogers #Development #Relationships #RelationalRepair #Connectedness #ConnectedChildRaising #Connection

May 25, 20181 min read
It's easier
"We’re spending all this money on mental health “but we are spending almost nothing in the first 5 yrs of life, when the brain is the...

May 25, 20181 min read
Unconditional Love
“Love isn’t a state of perfect caring. It’s an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the...

May 23, 20181 min read
Assume the best
The child is not the problem, the problem is the problem. “See a child differently, you see a different child.” - Stuart Shanker...

May 23, 20181 min read
Beauty of the brain
“The most important thing that parents need to understand is that the brain of their child will become exactly what the child was...

May 22, 20181 min read
Children are not problems
“...NVR begins with the acknowledgement that the child is not the problem - the problem is the problem.” #LRKnost...

May 22, 20181 min read
What they believe is what they will become
“The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.” - Peggy O’Mara #BrookeHampton #PeggyOMara #Development #Connection...

May 20, 20181 min read
Your child isn’t giving you a hard time, your child is having a hard time... NVR can help #ChallengingBehaviour #CPV #CPVA...

May 20, 20181 min read
There’s Power in Love
What makes children get better from a trauma is connection to other human beings.... those kinds of interactions end up being much more...

May 20, 20181 min read
What they believe
“Children don't need more things. The best toys a child can have is a parent who gets down on the floor and plays with them” - Bruce D...
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