Nonviolent Resistance

About Us
Welcome Parents, Professionals and anyone who lives with or works with children and young people who can be violent, destructive and controlling.
If you have sought-out our page, chances are that you have already come to the realisation that reward-and-punishment-based approaches (reward charts, ‘Naughty Steps’, confiscation of property etc.) simply do not work for all children or teenagers – many of you will have sustained much damage during this particular learning journey, to many aspects of your lives. It is our hope that your healing and reparation process will start here.
Nonviolent Resistance (NVR) is an ethically-sound alternative that can transform a domestic warzone into a harmonious household, with effects that frequently extend beyond the familial and into the societal. Similarly, an organisation (School, children’s home, etc.) in which every day sees battling between staff, parents and young people, can evolve into a thriving community defined by its atmosphere of co-operation and mutual respect.
It is NVRnorthampton’s mission to empower adults who are dealing with extreme behaviours from their young charges, by promoting knowledge of Nonviolent Resistance and by providing affordable support to those who are using NVR thinking and techniques at home or at work.