Justice-Doing in Therapy and Community Work - a two-day workshop with
Manchester and London - April/May 2022
• Manchester: Thurs/Fri April 28/29
• London: Tues/WedMay 3/4
£230 + VAT, 20% off for self-funders
This workshop is informed by a spirit of solidarity and social justice activism. Vikki will illuminate her stance for an ethic of Justice-Doing as a frame for community work and for therapy.
She will consider the intersections, tensions and affinities between community work practice and social justice activism that encompasses centering ethics, doing solidarity, addressing power, fostering collective sustainability, critically engaging with language and structuring safety.
We will engage with our own stances for ethical practice, and participate in a Solidarity Group with the intention of “walking our talk” and opening up our collective work to a hopeful skepticism that questions the ethics alive in our practice.
This workshop will help participants:
• Consider how to promote dignifying and generative supervision groups for therapy and community work.
• Deconstruct “case consultation” norms that don’t serve clients or practitioners, and consider what a “Culture of Critique” that is generative, expansive, connected and dignified might offer.
• Consider practices of structuring safety and creating relationships of respect and dignity which can promote a culture of accountability that generates useful and rich critique.
• Share some exercises for creating intentional supervisory relationships.
• Create cultures of accountability that invite critique that are a resistance against
surveillance practices of supervision.
• Practice examples of “Living Supervision”, and creating “Solidarity Teams” to assist
practitioners to work in alignment with our collective ethics.
For an application form click here